Parish Finance Committee:
Gordon O'Neill, Chairperson

In accordance with canons 537 and 1280, of the Church’s Canon Law, a Parish Finance Council is to be established in each parish of the Diocese of Saint John.

The Parish Finance Committee of Saint Rose of Lima Parish is composed of eight members appointed by the Pastor. It is a consultative body composed of parishioners and is designed to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. 

The Finance Committee is directed by the values of the Gospel in fulfilling its responsibilities, as well as by good business practices. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards.


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Effective November 4th, the new Mass schedule will be:

Thursday: 12:10 PM

Saturday:. 4:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM


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